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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06/26/06
June 27th, 2006

Selectmen Meeting Minutes –June 26th, 2006

Present: M. Genest, R Haggett, and B. Pratt
Also in attendance: W. Prokop, L. Henderson, T. Goodwin, E. Pelliter, M. Chauncey, M. Casey, D. Pertarb. C. Levesque.

The selectmen approved the minutes of the May 15th, 2006 meeting.

The selectmen voted to approve the “Road Policy” as drafted by Town Planner, Paul Vasques in the May 25th, 2006 draft. This will now be adopted by the Planning Board so that it becomes part of our standard procedure.
The selectmen were advised by the Town Administrator that the work on Summer Street, Memorial Park, and the crosswalks in the downtown would be completed very shortly. Some additional work needs to be done around two catch basins on Summer Street to control the water runoffs.

D. Pertarb then addressed the board regarding the damage done to her car on April 30th, 2006 when she hit a lose board on the Grove Street bridge. Her claim was investigated by the Town’s insurance company and was denied. It was denied in accordance with RSA 231:90-93. Ms. Pertarb understood the denial but asked the selectmen to give some consideration to her to help offset the cost. Mr. E. Pelliter stated that he looked at the vehicle and estimated the damage to be $2,000.00. He asked the board to consider helping her, since she has been without a vehicle since the beginning of May. After some discussion the board agreed to give further consideration to her request and would get back to her this week.

The Town Administrator advised the board of the discussions currently taking place with FEMA regarding funding for the last storm disaster, May 13th through the 23rd. At the present time the Town is seeking damages in the area of $85,000 to $90,000. The FEMA inspectors will be in this week to finalize their findings. The Board agreed that a Public Hearing will be held on July 17th per RSA 31:95-b for the acceptance and expenditures of any funds received from FEMA for this disaster that was not previously budgeted.

C. Levesque than discussed with the board the permanent establishment of an Open Space Committee reporting directly to the Board of Selectmen as was approved at the March 2006 Town meeting. W. Prokop explained that P. Beblowski, Chairman of the Conservation Commission, sent his apology for being unable to attend, but he had a meeting in another part of the state and would not be able to get back to Antrim in time. The concern of everyone was that we not have duplication of efforts and cost in our plan to provide the Town with Open Space. M. Chauncey than expressed his opinion that the Open Space Committee should not report to the selectmen and should be part of the Conservation Commission in order to avoid problems. C. Levesque stated that this was decided as last year’s Town Meeting and it was voted on by the people to have the Open Space committee established and to report directly to the Board of Selectmen. The charge of the Open Space Committee is to implement the town approved Open Space Conservation Plan.After some further discussion the Board voted to approve the following committee members as proposed by C. Levesque: C. Levesque, Chair; Ben Pratt; Melissa Chapman; Loranne Carey Block; Rod Zwirner, and a member of the Planning Board suggested by the Planning Board. An attorney who is interested in Open Space conservation will be sought to add to this committee, when they are found C. Levesque will ask the selectmen to formalize any additional appointments, including an attorney, or other members, should they be found. Mr. Levesque further stated that he will attend the June 28th meeting of the Conservation Commission to see if they can come to a joint decision as to how to best work together and will attempt to formalize a joint recommendation to the Board of Selectmen.

The selectmen asked the Town Administrator to schedule a meeting with the Fire Chief and Police Chief, Emergency Management Director and their officers to discuss town wide safety issues, Water Resources Plans, I.S.O. reevaluation of the town, ambulance issues and concerns, the Emergency Management Plan Up-date, etc. This meeting will be scheduled for August 7th, at 7:00 p.m.

The Town Administrator than brought to the board’s attention the status of “Town Ordinances” that have been on the books for a number of years and have not been enforced or followed. It was suggested that we hold a Public Hearing on these ordinances on Monday, July 17th. These will cover such things as: Code of Ethics, Street Numbering, Skateboards, Alcoholic Beverages and Open Container, Snow and Ice Removal, Dog Control, Smoking by under age people, Use of Bicycle Helmets, etc. this is to name a few. The purpose of this hearing will be to get public input, update the ordinances, publicize the ordinances, and then to enforce them as is stipulated.

The board than discussed the current status of Bryers Lane improvements and the upcoming meeting with Jennifer Carpenter regarding the Gould property.

The selectmen voted to approve the request of the Chamber of Commerce to use Summer Street for a Skateboard Race during Home and Harvest weekend this coming September.

M. Chauncey than asked the board to consider a new “Ditching Policy” for water run offs. He stated that the way we are doing it went out in the 60’s and that we should consider the proper ways to handle the run off problems. He was particularly concerned with the situation on Bridal Road near his property that Bob Varnum and Bill Prokop told him would be taken care of this year, and to date has not been addressed. Bill Prokop agreed and added that we also agreed to take down some trees that were close to the road. Mr. Chauncey agreed and said it was fine to clear all of them out of the way. This will be addressed with Mr. Varnum upon his return from vacation, July 10th. Mr. Chauncey than asked the board to have the landowner on Old Concord Road be required to correct the runoff situation on the land where clear cutting took place. The selectmen agreed to have the Building Inspector follow up on this.

Mr. Chauncey asked about the status of the Regional Prosecutor. He was informed that the prosecutor was in place and that the program had been approved by the select boards in Antrim, Bennington, and Deering, and that final approval from Hillsborough was expected shortly. In addition, Mr. Prokop explained that the general understanding between all towns was that this program will be in a testing stage for the next six (6) to eighteen months, and that the cost of this to Antrim for this year will come out of the “Contingency Fund” as was explained at the budget hearing last year. There is no additional cost to the Town for 2006, that was not in the budget.

The selectmen voted to go into non-public session per RSA 91:4 a to discuss some legal issues. They went into non-public session at 8:15 p.m.

The selectman went back into public session at 9:00 p.m. and voted to seal the minutes of the non-public session.

The selectmen reviewed general correspondence and approved payroll and A/P for the week.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for 07/17/06 at 7:00 P.M. and 2 public hearing will follow the meeting one scheduled for 7:15 p.m. and the other for 7:30 p.m.
